Sunday, April 1, 2012

The Mysterious, Magnificent Forest - Take a Walk on the Wild Side

NYS Hiking Trail -
by Marie C. Dimino

Discovering hiking as a vacation or sport will inspire you for many years to come. Learn what others have observed and why it's becoming a popular pastime.



If you’ve never been to a forest, it might be time for you to explore this amazing universe that thrives in perfect ecology. A forest has many facets and changes itself every day of the year. Vacationing near this chameleon-like perfection is the reason many people are opting for a hike in the woods instead of choosing the usual beachfront locations.

Be sure to research the essential things you will need to bring with you before heading out in the woods. Learn about safety and follow valid suggestions to make your hike a pleasant experience. Better to be safe than sorry.

You may also want to bring a few small informational books on descriptions of birds, insects, flowers, plants, trees, berries, animal scat and footprints. These can be found at your local bookstore, or on-line, and will help you identify the species of what you might see. Bring a notebook and pen to journal your new discoveries.

If you have never been in the woods before, you are in for a big surprise. At first glance, it seems there is absolutely no life sustained anywhere, but behind every tree and branch and beneath every bush and rock there are spying eyes! Your slightest whisper or footstep will silence the forest.

Forest animals and birds alert each other when something they suspect as danger is approaching. Some experienced hikers go so far as spraying themselves with a chemical to conceal their human scent. Animal senses are far more keener than ours and they can smell and detect an approaching human from many miles away.

Once you’ve entered the woods, find a comfortable spot, sit down, relax and observe. Try to stay as still as possible, and just wait. You don’t want to miss anything that might poke its head out from its hiding place.

Soon you will start to hear the sounds of the forest. If you are patient enough, and the animals think it's safe, they will peek at you and slowly start to appear. Some might even approach your shoes and sniff in curiosity. Do not make any sudden movement as that will make them scurry away and run back to the hiding place. If you want to take photos, keep your movements slow and quiet.

When you are ready to explore the many insects and plants, keep your magnifying glass handy. The use of a magnifying glass will help you inspect your subject and will reveal the almost invisible life that your eyes cannot normally detect.

Do not eat any berries or plants that might be tempting. Animals can eat them with no problem, but most can make you very sick or even kill you. Unless you are experienced with botanical studies, this is off limits. Stay away from them no matter how innocent or enticing they seem. Bring your own food!

A walk in the woods is a wonderful experience and adventure. This environment is teeming with incredible wildlife. There is so much to see and always new things to discover. It’s educational, peaceful, calming and spiritual. A sense of well-being fills you with wonder and awe when communing with nature. You will find yourself lost in thought and wanting to go back whenever you can to once again explore the ever-changing beauty of the mysterious, magnificent forest.

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