Saturday, March 31, 2012

Choosing Health: A Lifestyle for a Positive Way of Living - Part 4

Begin the journey by understanding the importance of rest and discovering the healthy benefits of meditation and prayer.

Sleeping aids in the reproduction of cells and healing. Proper rest is as important to our bodies as nutrition. Forcing the body to remain awake for prolonged periods of time produces an imbalance in both thinking and motor coordination. Decision-making is drastically affected when this part of our lives is neglected. Smart sleeping habits combined with short resting periods throughout the day will result in calmer emotions and more energy.

The Importance of Rest

The importance of proper rest is underrated. Many professions demand long hours. When a young adult enters the working environment, he or she may start off feeling on top of the mountain and ready to conquer the world. Energy seems boundless. But this feeling will begin to fade over time.

The physical body and the mind need rest. Years of stressful living and working long hours will eventually cause a breakdown in the immune system.

Many things happen to the body during sleep. Cells are replaced and new ones are created. Assimilation, healing and growth can only occur during sleep. The mind enters the delta stage and dreaming will give insight to uncertainties.

Lack of proper sleep and rest will cause listlessness. The mind and the thought process become interrupted. Metabolism becomes erratic. Mistakes and accidents are frequently the result of poor sleeping habits.

The benefits of proper sleep and rest will prove itself. Thinking will be clearer, eyes are brighter and digestion improves.

What is Meditation?

Meditation is receiving answers. It is an exercise that relaxes both body and mind. The purpose is to find a comfortable center. It is during this state that ideas and solutions arise.

The effects of meditating help maintain balanced emotions. Try taking twenty minutes, twice a day, to meditate. This will prevent mental overload. The emotional state greatly improves when thoughts are allowed to free themselves. Facial expressions will soften and perspiration will decrease. Meditation will also make you look younger! Blood pressure is often regulated when meditation is practiced and made part of daily living.

What is Prayer?

Simply put, prayer is asking God, or your Higher Power, for what you want. Praying for knowledge of God’s Will and for the highest good for yourself and others is usually best. Praying will result in divine intervention when practiced with fervor.

Prayer should not be used to get things. Pray with an opened heart and expect your prayers to be answered. Do not set a limit or time. Ask for what your heart desires and then gently put it on the shelf. You will be surprised when the things you asked for start to materialize in ways you never could have imagined. Always end prayer with thanks.

Choosing Health: A Lifestyle for a Positive Way of Living - Part 3

Begin the journey with basic knowledge for a healthy kitchen and learn why Teflon and silicon coated utensils are toxic.

A healthy kitchen is a good kitchen. Anyone can learn the basics. Keeping close to the Food Pyramid will guarantee good eating habits.

Keeping fresh fruits and vegetables on hand is always best. Frozen is second best. Canned and processed foods should be kept to a minimum. If opting for these, try to purchase brands that contain the least amount of sodium and additives.

It takes a lot of energy for the body to filter out excess salt and artificial ingredients. By eating healthier, you will conserve energy. The bloodstream quickly absorbs nutrients and weight is easier to maintain when the liver and kidneys are not overtaxed.

Unnecessary calories are stored in fat cells. It is beneficial to drink six to eight glasses of water daily. When water is taken on an empty stomach, toxins are released and washed away.

Drinking water, green tea and fresh fruit and vegetable juice will aid in the reduction of weight. Remember it takes the body a lot of energy to digest heavy proteins and fats.

It is just as easy to prepare fresh vegetables as it is frozen or canned. With the newest utensils available, fresh foods can be prepared in minutes, even sooner than frozen foods. Vegetables do not have to be cooked for long periods of time. Don’t be intimidated by vegetables you’ve never tried before. They are all good for you.

Cooking in woks and cast iron pots and pans are easy to clean and a great way to add iron, a necessary mineral, to meals.

Lemon will add lithium to your diet. Fresh lemon juice is alkaline and will neutralize the stomach’s acids. Try drinking a glass of water with a fresh squeezed lemon at least once a day. There are nutrients in lemons that will aid in stabilizing emotions. While discovering new eating habits, don’t forget to experiment and have fun.

Experiment with stir-fries! These are easy to learn and easy to make. Learning to chop and slice is therapeutic. If time is of the essence, supermarkets now carry packaged produce already cleaned and sliced for you. It might cost a bit more, but these are very handy to have around and you will save time.

Toxic Teflon and Silicon Coated Utensils

When Teflon and silicone coated utensils are overheated, poisons escape and will kill pet birds. If you choose to own a bird, please discard any Teflon and silicone coated pots and pans. A bird’s delicate structure cannot handle these invisible, poisonous fumes.

Choosing Health: A Lifestyle for a Positive Way of Living - Part 2

Begin the journey with a lifelong plan of eating habits, fasting, eating less meat for a leaner body and drinking green tea.

Before embarking on a lifelong eating plan, it is wise to consult with your physician and a nutritionist. Gradual changes will ensure permanent weight loss. Try developing a few small changes every day instead of trying to make a major transformation all at once. The benefits will come over time and you will gradually see and feel the difference.

Lifelong eating habits are impossible to change overnight. Do not set out to deny yourself of every craving. As your metabolism becomes adjusted and enzymes are balanced, cravings will lessen and the need for healthier foods will develop. Have Patience!

The Purpose of Fasting

Fasting has been around since biblical times. The purpose of fasting is to purify the system and cleanse the mind. During a fast, toxins are released from the blood stream and thinking becomes alert.

There are many types of fasts. It is important that beginners consult with a nutritionist for guidance. An unsupervised fast can result in lightheadedness. There are different fasts for different needs. Choose one that will suit your lifestyle.

Eating Less Meat for a Leaner Body

Meat contains protein and fats that are hard to digest. It is difficult to stay awake after a heavy meal that contains meat. When certain complex-carbohydrates are added, the system must work overtime. Energy is wasted on this process resulting in fatigue. This process of breaking down foods and separating vitamins and minerals from waste is called assimilation.

When choosing to keep meat in a diet, be sure to limit portions to three or four ounce servings, no more than once or twice a day. It is best to combine with salads. Starches such as potatoes, pasta, rice, legumes, corn and bread should be avoided. It is best to eat these foods at least three hours before or after a meal that contains meat.

Drink Green Tea!

Lately there has been a lot of talk about drinking green tea - - and it’s all true!

Green tea is considered a miracle food for many reasons. Firstly, it is not considered an herb tea. There are many components that make it a super food. Green tea contains flavanols, also known as catechins, which is epicatechin (EC), epigallocatechin (EGC), epicatechin gallate (ECG), and epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG).

These chemicals, along with several others found in green tea, have the ability to help perfect the immune system, shrink fat cells, carry out cancerous cells and blast open heart arteries. It has also been proven that green tea will improve your overall health in every area. Numerous studies from around the world have confirmed this.

Be sure to brew your own. Most bottled green tea contain sugar and corn syrup. Four to five cups of green tea a day is usually recommended and yield the best results.

See Part 3 of this seriesChoosing Health: A Lifestyle for a Positive Way of Living - Part 3

Choosing Health: A Lifestyle for a Positive Way of Living - Part 1

Freshly picked oranges -
by Marie C. Dimino

Begin the journey by learning the importance of preparing healthy meals, juicing, loving fruits and vegetables and rotating colored vegetables.

Preparing healthy meals is honoring the soul. The physical body is the only thing that surely belongs to you. Your body remains with you for your entire life.

The human body is the vehicle used to carry out your life’s work. This vehicle contains the individual personality that we call "I." This "I" is what makes each person feel his or her emotions and feelings. It is also often referred to as ego. Taking the time to love and nourish your body is important. During each second of your life, the body is creating new cells. Every single day thousands of these cells die and reproduce. Everything you come in contact with is part of this tiny molecule revolution.

Good habits will develop on their own when you practice taking care of yourself. Allowance in your life for a positive way of eating will create a feeling of well being. Coming home after a long day’s work will become a very relaxing and special experience.

The Concept of Juicing

Juicing is a wonderful way to start your day.

It is well known that fruits and vegetables are the most important foods you can eat. Juicing takes this one step further.

A Juicer separates the vitamins and minerals from pulp and fiber. Fresh juice is brimming with necessary live enzymes. This live food travels quickly through the blood stream replenishing and replacing new cells. Toxic wastes and dead cells are swiftly removed from the system.

When fresh juice is taken on an empty stomach, the body is able to absorb nutrition more quickly. Enormous amounts of vitamins and nutrients race through the bloodstream. The body will automatically utilize what is needed to keep it running smoothly, and will discard the rest, naturally.

Vitamin supplements can sometimes endanger the system. There are certain vitamins that are not water-soluble. This means that when the body has taken what is needed, the excess remains and becomes toxic. This is stored in the liver. Overdosing can result when the body cannot eliminate these extra toxins. Vitamin enthusiasts need to know this before swallowing a handful of tablets.

Fresh juice is a natural form of energy. This energy comes from the sun, which is also our main source of energy. Eating plant foods is the wisest way to be sure your body is getting all it needs to function properly.

Remember that juicing is a supplement, as well as an excellent food. Smart eating requires good judgment in food choices. Juicing should not replace whole fruits and vegetables. Fiber is necessary for the system to function as the remarkable machine it really is.

Eating whole fruits and vegetables, and drinking several glasses of juice each day will rebuild the body. Results can be experienced in a very short time. Skin, hair and nails will become healthier and begin to shine.

Learning to love Fruits and Vegetables as a Main Course

Years of improper eating habits will often cause stomach upsets and bloating when fruits and vegetables are introduced into the diet as a main course. This will cause even the most devout diet enthusiast to turn away from these energy boosting foods.

Fruits and vegetables should be gradually introduced into the system when this happens. Work closely with a nutritionist to determine the best plan for you. The uncomfortable feelings will pass in time when the body becomes adjusted to healthier eating habits.

Rotating Colored Vegetables in the Diet

Rotating colored vegetables is an easy way to be certain you are getting everything your body needs. When unsure of choosing the right foods, remember to choose at least two colors a day. A cup of fresh salad greens should be a staple. Alternate colored vegetables every day such as orange, red and yellow. By remembering to rotate colors and varying vegetables, you can be sure your body is getting everything it needs.

See Part 2 of this series - Choosing Health: A Lifestyle for a Positive Way of Living - Part 2