Begin the journey by understanding the importance of rest and discovering the healthy benefits of meditation and prayer.
Sleeping aids in the reproduction of cells and healing. Proper rest is as important to our bodies as nutrition. Forcing the body to remain awake for prolonged periods of time produces an imbalance in both thinking and motor coordination. Decision-making is drastically affected when this part of our lives is neglected. Smart sleeping habits combined with short resting periods throughout the day will result in calmer emotions and more energy.
The Importance of Rest
The importance of proper rest is underrated. Many professions demand long hours. When a young adult enters the working environment, he or she may start off feeling on top of the mountain and ready to conquer the world. Energy seems boundless. But this feeling will begin to fade over time.
The physical body and the mind need rest. Years of stressful living and working long hours will eventually cause a breakdown in the immune system.
Many things happen to the body during sleep. Cells are replaced and new ones are created. Assimilation, healing and growth can only occur during sleep. The mind enters the delta stage and dreaming will give insight to uncertainties.
Lack of proper sleep and rest will cause listlessness. The mind and the thought process become interrupted. Metabolism becomes erratic. Mistakes and accidents are frequently the result of poor sleeping habits.
The benefits of proper sleep and rest will prove itself. Thinking will be clearer, eyes are brighter and digestion improves.
What is Meditation?
Meditation is receiving answers. It is an exercise that relaxes both body and mind. The purpose is to find a comfortable center. It is during this state that ideas and solutions arise.
The effects of meditating help maintain balanced emotions. Try taking twenty minutes, twice a day, to meditate. This will prevent mental overload. The emotional state greatly improves when thoughts are allowed to free themselves. Facial expressions will soften and perspiration will decrease. Meditation will also make you look younger! Blood pressure is often regulated when meditation is practiced and made part of daily living.
What is Prayer?
Simply put, prayer is asking God, or your Higher Power, for what you want. Praying for knowledge of God’s Will and for the highest good for yourself and others is usually best. Praying will result in divine intervention when practiced with fervor.
Prayer should not be used to get things. Pray with an opened heart and expect your prayers to be answered. Do not set a limit or time. Ask for what your heart desires and then gently put it on the shelf. You will be surprised when the things you asked for start to materialize in ways you never could have imagined. Always end prayer with thanks.
Go back to Part 1 of this series - Choosing Health: A Lifestyle for a Positive Way of Living - Part 1